Data Analytics for Business

Assistant Professor
  • February 9, 2022
    Experience start
  • February 15, 2022
    Project Scope Meeting
  • April 12, 2022
    Experience end
3/2 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Any industries

Experience scope

Customer segmentation Marketing analytics Data analysis Market research Sales strategy
business analytics data analysis research
Learner goals and capabilities

Students will be able to take organizational datasets and form business problems around the data and the business. They can then use statistical and data analytics techniques to explore and model the data to provide insights and solutions to the business problems. The analysis of the data includes data cleaning, exploratory analysis and visualization, and various classification and regression models (Bayes, KNN, Tree-based methods, logistic regression, clustering, SVM, text analytics, ML, and AI). These analyses are mainly done through R programming.

A project appropriate for this course ideally includes an introduction to the business and its value chain, and more importantly, a relatively clean dataset (a table is preferred over a database) which usually includes an outcome variable of interest (inputs used to predict an output, e.g. prediction of users' type or demand). Projects without data are not acceptable.


Any level
30 learners
30 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 4
Expected outcomes and deliverables
  • A report on students’ findings and details of the analytics solution. This includes written synthesis of the business and the problem, exploratory data analysis and visualization, and one or more data models for prediction based on the provided data.
  • A final presentation of the solution and recommendations to your organization.
  • The code (in R) used for the analysis.
Project timeline
  • February 9, 2022
    Experience start
  • February 15, 2022
    Project Scope Meeting
  • April 12, 2022
    Experience end

Project Examples


It is required that the project includes a high-level proposal/business problem statement including relevant data sets and definitions (or a data dictionary or a sample) and expected deliverables. Business datasets could be provided based on a non-disclosure agreement or in an anonymized/synthetic data format that is relevant to your organization and the project. The course instructor will review the data to confirm the scope and timing of the proposed problem and its alignment with the course requirements.

Students are capable to take the organizational data and transform it to provide insights and create models to make predictions for the business. Analytics solution may be applicable for (however they are not limited to) the following topics:

  1. Customer acquisition, retention, and churn
  2. Clustering of customer types for marketing
  3. Prediction of customer types (financial default prediction, etc.)
  4. Prediction of demand and sales data
  5. Analysis of textual data
  6. Analysis of image or voice data
  7. Market basket analysis

Any other context and topic which includes historical data is acceptable. Please feel free to contact the instructor for additional information.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • question

    A representative of the company will be available to answer questions from students in a timely manner for the duration of the project.

  • question

    A representative of the company will be available for a pre-selection discussion with the administrator of the course to review the project scope.