Business Negotiations & Bargaining - Winter 2025

February 24, 2025Experience start
April 15, 2025Experience end
Experience scope
Talent recruitment Communications Market research Competitive analysis Sales strategySkills
negotiation presentations research real estate3rd and 4th year undergraduate students in a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program will work in 3-5 person teams to research and develop a recommenation for a negotiation or bargaining challenge faced by your organization. Students learn about how to negotiate by participating in weekly role-plays. They learn to negotiate in a variety of contexts (B2B, sales negotiations, contingency contracts, labor-union negotiations, salary & benefits negotiations, cross-cultural negotiations etc.) for 10 weeks. Students will learn to conduct academic and market research on the context of your negotiation/bargaining challenge. They will be able provide recommendations including multiple equivalent offers by combining issues according to your priorities in your negotiation challenge. Sample areas of negotiation/bargaining projects can be in Mergers & Acquisitions, real estate purchases, auto purchases, factory purchases, AI-chat bot negotiations.
3-5 person teams of students will conduct academic research and use their own lived experiences in the negotiation role play exercises to design your bargaining /negotiation solution. They will make 15 minute in person/virtual synchronous team presentations and provide speaking notes and slide decks when relevant. The presentations will contain background research and concrete recommendations for your company' s negotiation or bargaining challenge.
Project timeline
February 24, 2025Experience start
April 15, 2025Experience end
Project Examples
Examples include but are not limited to: mergers & acquisitions, real estate purchases, auto purchases, factory plant purchases, product Purchases, etc. They can also compare face to face human negotiation with AI-negotiation bots.
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
February 24, 2025Experience start
April 15, 2025Experience end