Website / Product User Testing

Project scope
UI design UX designSkills
usability testing researchOur company would like to explore and find user testing insights on our current website. We believe that insights coming out of these experiments will help us design a better product and offer a better experience to our customers.
We would like a group of students to conduct user testing scenarios on our product with a handful of current and potential customers of ours and then report the results back to us.
- Conducting background research on our existing web application. We are happy to provide a walkthrough and other resources to help bring them up to speed.
- Identifying key areas of our current product and narrowing down which sections of the product and what scenarios should be tested with the users.
- Learning about various testing techniques that are currently industry standard and learning how to perform them efficiently and capture feedback well.
- Conducting user testing scenarios with our platform and reporting results back
By the end of the project, students should complete the following list of activities:
- Familiarize themselves with our existing platform
- Familiarize themselves with industry standard user testing processes
- Conduct user testing scenarios with real and potential users
- Present any findings and provide a detailed written report of methodology, test subjects, tests, and outcomes / insights.
Final deliverables should include
- A final report detailing methodology, test subjects, tests, and outcomes / insights.
- A presentation of the final report
Sharing knowledge in specific technical skills, techniques, methodologies required for the project.
Direct involvement in project tasks, offering guidance, and demonstrating techniques.
Providing access to necessary tools, software, and resources required for project completion.
Supported causes
The global challenges this project addresses, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Learn more about all 17 SDGs here.
About the company
The cost of divorce and family breakdown are well documented. The Divorce Act was recently changed to reflect the insurmountable costs to social services, families & communities. T.C.D.aims to meet a pressing need and foster better social, emotional, and economic outcomes for our kids, parents and communities. Traditional divorce is like raging against the storm - time, energy and money - misdirected against an inevitable negative outcome that is impacts everyone. Parental alienation is rising along with mental illness and studies indicate that teenage suicide is directly linked to family breakdown. The divorce process is inherently destabilizing - people feel overwhelmed, hopeless, and "divorce crazy." a term often used in amongst Family lawyers . Rates of domestic violence rise over 80% during relationship breakdown. T.C.D. is an integrated system that focuses on prevention in a simple way empowering and supporting families during these critical times.